Thursday, December 6, 2012

We are the Easter People, whose refrain is “He is risen! He is risen! He is risen!”

I lost 3.6lbs this week. That makes my total 52.6lbs since last year. I joined WeightWatchers at the end of May, and I’ve lost 25lbs since then.

What this means, is that I got an award yesterday. I got a little silver weight with “25” engraved into it. The weight goes on the keychain that I got for losing 10% of my initial starting weight. And my new charm sits next to the other charm I got for going to WeightWatchers for 16 weeks. I’m doing well. I’m earning rewards. I’m achieving.

Yet I can’t seem to be excited.

I’m only part-way to my goal. I have at least another 50lbs to lose before I will be at a healthy weight. And my tendency is to discredit the work that I have done. I don’t want the 25lb marker, I want the 75lbs one. Better yet, lets make it say “100!!!!!”

Looking at my heart in this, I realize how afraid I am of celebrating the work Christ has done in me. I expect nothing less than perfection out of myself, and it is easy to discredit the areas of growth in my life… because I see the imperfections. I see where I am still lacking. I see the extra pounds on my frame, and I see the extra sin in my life. And it becomes hard to accept grace and acknowledge growth when I still see so much need for change in my life and heart.

I can’t give myself, OR GOD, any credit.

YET, “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

Where is the grace? Why can’t I look at the work God has begun in me, and celebrate how far I’ve come? No, I’m not perfect, but I never will be on this side of life, so why defeat myself trying for the impossible?

The roommate told me about an Easter sermon she heard one time. I’m probably butchering this somehow, but the message was something about how human existence marches to the refrain of death. Since the fall, things work toward death and destruction. People die, dreams die, hopes die… the refrain is death. I must admit that my heart resonates with this more often that I’d like. I feel the futility of human life, where the refrain seems to be so much death and destruction. 

Christ changes everything.

When Christ defeated death, when He rose again and conquered the grave so that you and I might have the incredible gift of eternal life with The Lord, the refrain changes.

As Christians, “We are the Easter People, whose refrain is ‘He is risen, He is risen, He is Risen!!!’”

So instead of looking at things through the lense of death, instead of seeing how far I have to go, instead of dwelling on my sins (which are real, and ugly, and soul crushing, without Jesus) I choose to focus on how Christ has been redeeming me. Praise Jesus, He HAS been changing me, and I must acknowledge that. I must CELEBRATE the work He has begun in me, and trust that (although I still have a ways to go) He will complete that work in me in His time, in His way.

I’m thankful that God is sovereign! And, He DOES work for my good.

So, here are some ways Jesus has been changing me.

I’m 50lbs lighter, than last year. HELLO, I need to be able to admit and celebrate that. It is a physical symbol of the internal health I’ve been seeking in Christ.

This time last year I was hibernating in my apartment, sad and depressed, angry at God for not letting me go to seminary. Now I’m learning to follow God WHEREVER He leads. That meant leaving Columbus and moving to Macon. And I don’t doubt that relinquishing my plan for my life by moving (against all logic) was a huge leap of faith. I’m glad I’m here, and I feel that I have confirmation that God is not done with me in Macon yet, so I’ll stay as long as He keeps me here. I surrender, and that is huge growth.

I used to be a complete introvert, and now I’m not even sure that I would even test as an introvert on a personality inventory. This is not to say that introverts are bad!!! I looove introverts! But, God has been making me more comfortable in social situations, which better allows me to serve Him by loving others.

If performing a sister version of "My Heart Will Go On" at
Thanksgiving lunch isn't at least a little extroverted... I'm not sure what is. 

I have grown in the spiritual disciplines. I used to not even desire to read the Word, but now I want to dig in. I am reading more and comprehending more and when things are hard, I know that quiet time with my Lord is the only thing that will really give me direction. I believe in prayer, and I have faith that it matters… that God hears. It was only a few years ago that I wasn’t certain if God cared about me. Even after I found logical belief in Christ, I didn’t have a heart belief or faith.  But now, I know what relationship with God is like. I see the Holy Spirit prompting me… I’m not perfect by ANY means, but I have grown, and I have to cling to that. Jesus and I DO have a relationship, and I desire to know and please Him.

So, I’m choosing to let go of my fear of man (including myself). I can’t look at what I think I should be as a Christian, and hold myself up to an unrealistic standard. Yes, I should strive to be like Christ in all ways, but I am NOT Christ, so today I just want to stop, and address the lies I believe about my growth in Christ.

I am not perfect. In fact, I am a sinner whose heart is black and cold, and I love death. I’m comfortable with sin and death. It is my default.

BUT GOD is working in my heart. He forgives me for my sins, and I must do the same for myself.

So, I want to be an Easter person.

My refrain is, "He is Risen, He is Risen, He is RISEN!"

More of Him, less of me. But even as I say these things, I have to acknowledge that there IS more of Him in me than there was last year. He IS working in my life. And today, these pictures are visual proof of how my Savior is working to redeem me. Praise him for every good and perfect thing. I’m thankful that He gives BEAUTY for my ASHES.  

All Things New

Verse 1
Like the sun your mercy shines
A brand new day a brighter light
Jesus your grace restores our lives
At the cross the great exchange
Your righteousness for all our shame
Jesus your grace restores our lives

Chorus 1
You can make all things new
Only your power can raise us
You can make all things new
Only your love can save us
All hope is not lost
Cause you make all things new

Verse 2
All our wounds and broken dreams
You laid them down at calvary
Savior your grace restores our lives
when we're weak you make us strong
You lift us up you lead us on
Savior your grace restores our lives

You give beauty for our ashes
And a hope that's everlasting
The past has been redeemed
Now forever we will sing

Chorus 2
You can make all things new
Only your power can raise us
You can make all things new
Only your love can save us
All hope is not lost
All hope is not lost
All hope is not lost
Cause you make all things new

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